Choose Your Pick
By Abu Faydan
If you have come to pick a fight,
Your place to go’s perhaps the zoo.
If you have come to pick my faults,
They’re far too much, you won’t get through.
If you have come to pick my grains,
Don’t even bother, there are too few.
If you have come to pick my brains,
You just might find, I have no clue.
If you have come to pick my mode,
You won’t find anything that’s new.
If you have come to pick my mood,
Beware, begone, lest it turn you blue.
If you have come to pick my color,
I’m transparent without a hue.
But if you came to pick my heart,
You’ll find a mirror that is true.
And if you really want to know my secret, o Abu,
Then know, it is no different from you:
We all are naught, and all there is,
Is different shades of Hu – Hu – Hu.