March 2019


Reflection by Dawood Vally Man imagines himself to be an existence alongside Allah, albeit by Allah’s permission. This means man has autonomous existence for a moment, with a moment having the duration of a lifetime. Herein lies the source of all angst, for this is an existential plane mired in lack. Since man is a...
Reflection by Umm e Maham Allah has created a state of separation for humans, so that they strive to find meaning and purpose, and hence serve to find true connection – love! We see the world as we are. As Shaykh Ebrahim discusses, Allah says in a hadith qudsi, “I am My slave’s opinion of...
Reflection by Nick Hobbs What we are engaged in, is the gardening of the soul. We endeavour to create the perfect climate and environment in our psychological functioning, from which beautiful actions may grow. If we tend to the soil through philosophical understanding, but also supply the life giving nutrients of regular prayer and remembrance,...