March 2015


  Every time Shaytan succeeds in conning some kafir moron into publicly exposing their spite and venom, there is invariably a fall-out of a wide spectrum of emotions ranging from ‘righteous anger’ and rational appeals for calm and restraint to outright blind, indiscriminate violence. And along with these reactions controversies unfold among the Muslims over the issue of what...
  I should tell you a tale of journeying through three domains to this last place of  departure, the three principalities which followed the hardening of my beard and the softening of my now withered eye. The first place of self-gratifying is shameful to me now yet cannot in truth be denied. I find its...
  Charity – the Endangered Virtue By Muhammad Harun The other day, I was driving home from my teaching job, still caught up in thoughts of whether it was my method of instruction, or my students’ approach to learning that badly needed improvement. My driver stopped at a traffic light, and a man came up...
  My Father /Kaggen teach me to hunt the water bull grow for me lion hair and my full song will fly everywhere. My father /Kaggen to you I give my death for you my pounding blood from you I suck my breath. And where, in what water shall I lie? round which fire shall...
  Since I became a Muslim in 1975 and settled in this country (Pakistan), I have been asked over and over again, how my conversion came about, mainly by my Muslim brothers and sisters who were astonished that someone who had been raised in the socio-economic comfort of a wealthy western nation should give up...
  All praise to the Doer and Witness Who is the Gate to hell and bliss By Whom we come to act and see By Who’s intent we come to be By His command we rise and fall His gift is terror and to enthral We begin and end by His decree He surrounds us...