
The trunk called the human virtue produces two main branches that all other virtues and branches flow from or start from. And the two branches are generosity and courage. All human virtue is in these two broad classes. There isn’t a third. There are only these two.
We are frail as human beings. We are designed by His Genius to be inadequate. It cannot be otherwise, because there is no other way of describing the condition of that which is very small in the face of that which is overwhelming other than frail, or inadequate and about to be overwhelmed.
It is particularly nights where you see people that you haven’t seen for a long time, where you realise that you share something really deep with many people – something that you develop over decades. These experiences are a metaphor for human existence.
The average person has a miserable experience of being inside their own skin, they wake up alienated and frightened and they go to bed alienated and frightened. They are stuck in a cycle of being alienated and frightened.
The first virtue which is the parent of all virtues is gratitude. Why this should be the case becomes apparent when you consider the opposite. The first vice, which is the parent of all vices is ingratitude and resentment. If I am convinced that the world has done me in, and that what I have...
One of the many devices on our path that we use in order to clarify our intent and to polish our hearts so that we could experience the proximity of the Rabb is remembering the proximity of death. By definition, for the living, the proximity of death will always be a reasonably speculative idea, because...