Our current and normal way of looking at things is to see things upside down. Where we in our consciousness see blessing we are probably seeing curse. Where we see curse there is blessing. And in no other context is this true as particularly in the pursuit of wealth - and in wealth itself.
Deen isn't culture. It's a filter for culture, which means Deen is a codification of fitra. It gives you access to fitra. It gives you a way of understanding what your intuitive sense of right and wrong is and what is appropriate in the moment.
The meaning and the significance of the hadra is that it is like a shaking loose. It is a shaking loose of the things that normally worry you. It is like letting go of the chains so that you can find out who the being is that is there beyond the chains.
All things that happen, happen with Him, through Him, from Him, to Him - by His Idhn, by His permission. It is not like little parcels of energy are being given out. It is like you are floating in the sea and the sea is Him and all of us are different refractions of that...
Your inner reality is one that is unspeakably majestic. We are that which cannot contain Him is His instrument which is designed to be subordinated to your service. But, the crux is that you subordinate yourself to His service. And that you don't construct your life on the basis of what you think you want....
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