etsko schuitema


Shaykh Ebrahim has extended the invite to one and all this evening to partake in a dhikr/hadra session for the remembrance of Allah!
What is to succeed in having been human, to succeed in having had a life? The worst of them measure your success only by your material accumulations. These things do not describe success.
Our current and normal way of looking at things is to see things upside down. Where we in our consciousness see blessing we are probably seeing curse. Where we see curse there is blessing. And in no other context is this true as particularly in the pursuit of wealth - and in wealth itself.
Why do we keep on deluding ourselves and taking ourselves away from that which is real and that which is present and precious to that which is illusory? Why do we only wait for death to come near before we say and do what is needed, and resolve what needs to be resolved?
We have two basic modalities that we exist in as human beings. The one modality which is the predominant modality for most people is that they function under the assumption that they exist separately from and somehow contra-distinct to the world. The other modality is that you recognize that you are not separate from the...
The misfortune of any inner tradition is that it succeeds, because at its essence what an inner tradition is trying to do is something very seditious. It's trying to create the conditions where people can escape the persona which society has given to them. Any inner tradition seeks to do that.
One can’t have a sense but end up recognizing that you are pickled, quite literally pickled, in blessing. The interesting thing, of course, is that most of us don’t experience it like that. Most of us don’t experience a sense of security, a sense of fulfilment as our basic condition.
Your inner reality is one that is unspeakably majestic. We are that which cannot contain Him is His instrument which is designed to be subordinated to your service. But, the crux is that you subordinate yourself to His service. And that you don't construct your life on the basis of what you think you want....