

By way of metaphor, one can describe the centre of the human experience as the being in the chest. And one can distinguish between fundamentally two different modalities, two modalities that you can experience the subject as, the subject being the self or the one that's experiencing. In Tasawwuf we refer to one modality as...
The qasida that we sing most frequently "Aheemu wahdee" has really three operative stanzas in terms of instructions and its significance that spontaneously this has become the qasida that we sing most frequently because it really, it is a summary of our Path. In those three stanzas the whole of this endeavour is summed up.
In this discourse Shaykh Ebrahim explores what does it mean to be transactionally correct? What is love? And how are they related?
We have two basic modalities that we exist in as human beings. The one modality which is the predominant modality for most people is that they function under the assumption that they exist separately from and somehow contra-distinct to the world. The other modality is that you recognize that you are not separate from the...
The immediate benefit of hadra is twofold. The one is the silencing of internal dialogue and the second is the shifting of attention or if you like the assemblage point of attention from behind your eyeballs to behind your solar plexus. These are the two immediate physiological attributes of a good hadra. That's what hadra...
We aspire to see our children succeed in life but often enough our criterion of success is a thick soup of ideas and expectations.
Your inner reality is one that is unspeakably majestic. We are that which cannot contain Him is His instrument which is designed to be subordinated to your service. But, the crux is that you subordinate yourself to His service. And that you don't construct your life on the basis of what you think you want....